Powerful Presentation is Directly Proportional to 3Ps

Powerful Presentation ∝3Ps

A powerful presentation is possible by focusing on just 3 Ps. Lucky Daftuar has come up with the formula that Powerful presentation is directly proportional to 3Ps.
In this document, we will try and understand these 3Ps of the formula and we will try to implement it to improve our presentation skills.

So, lets see what are these 3 Ps.

The first P is the Person.

The presentation or the speech is not about you. Do you think you are being judged? Do you think its all about you? Do you think its all about the colour of your suit / dress? No , it hardly matter to the audience. What matters to them is ‘they’
Everybody in the audience is concerned about themselves. If it is in a classroom / hall- the moment someone enters the room – he / sje is concerned about ‘how he / she is looking?’ when you the speaker make an eye contact with someone in the audience – he / she gets conscious that you are looking at her – would you make him / her stand up? Don’t you remember the school days.. we don’t change much. When the teacher looks at us – don’t you remember you would try to hide behind the person in front of you? We are still the same. And our audience is also same.. they don’t straight way start thinking about you.. they are thinking about themselves.. So, with the first P. get reminded that before your speech , you need to understand them, you need to know their background, their mindset, what do they need, why have they come to you to listen to you? What is that one idea that you can plant in their mind that will prove to be helpful to them.

Now let us see what is the second P.

The second P in the formula is, ‘Preparation’.
A good presentation is all about planning and preparation. Even greatest speakers prepare well.
So, how do we get into the preparation.
The best way to handle it is going in the shape of a sand clock.
That means, we go from broad to narrow and then narrow to broad for preparation.
So, by broad, it means that the first step is to gather as much info you have. Write down all the info you have and dig through net, books whatever places you can. Gather all of it.
Now get to the narrower aspect of preparation. That means, take the major ones that you would like to put as a core theme or the flow..
Then from this again take to broader level – that means, once you are ready with the flow, then jot down all the ideas on a peace of paper. Even a full day session can be summarized in few key bullet points on a single sheet of paper.

If you join my club, we conduct many live sessions and practice these techniques. To join my club / you can connect with me.

Now coming to the third P – Practice.

This third P is all about another set of 3 Ps. Do you know what is that?
If you guessed, share it in the comment box. I mean very simple thing about 3 Ps – it is practice, practice, practice
Try to practice as much as you can. As many times as you can. The more you practice, the more you become sharp in your presentation. The more the flow will settle in your mind. The entire flow should be visible in your mind. And finally try and record yourself and see where do you need improvement.

So if you understand and implement these 3 Ps well, it will make your presentation far better.. But to make it really powerful, you need to do few things just before and few things during the presentation – that will make it really powerful. I am sharing an overview here.. but If you want me to make another detailed video on this, comment below. So, few things – you need to visualize yourself doing great – giving a great speech, you need to take few really deep breaths before you stand up. Smile – pause and then start. And last tip that can give you a great kick start – always start with a nice story.
Share your views and if you have any other tip about public speaking. If you want to join our tribe of speakers and trainers, join me on my whatsapp group.

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